
Friday, August 26, 2011

New Photos from Marjorie Orbin Crime Case

(click on these 1 or 2x & they should become legible)

Pages 1 & 2 of Marjorie Orbin's love letter to Larry as transcribed by police. Compare to her description and his description of the affair in Chapter 10 in my book, WHAT SHE ALWAYS WANTED.

This is the entry to way to the house, photographed after
a SWAT raid. The 2 towels mark blood shed after a Taser was fired. (left)

This is the kitchen island that Marjorie built. Police later became very interested in it. (above)

New! True Crime Short just 99 cents!
Special for viewers of Bridal to Homicidal on E! Network



Going to jail, buying documents, and everything else it takes to get this kind of info for the blog takes time and money! 

Every time you make a purchase here, it helps me be able to do more for you! 


  1. Hi Camille.
    I was curious about this case when I stomped into the 48 hours special about it last week, but they didn't mention anything about the kitchen, just about the suspiciously clean and neat garage.
    What was with the kitchen?

  2. ERRATUM: I did watch was "Scorned" on the ID network.

  3. Hi Kawika, thanks for stopping by!

    Marjorie Orbin has been featured in several TV shows now, including both 48 Hours and Scorned. But the thing about TV is that they usually only have an hour, at the very most, to tell what is really a very long story. There's so much more that went on, I could barely fit in to a whole book! Now you tell me, should I give away all the book's secrets on the blog? Sorry for the plug, but at some point an author's gotta eat!! click-to-buy-right-here! Or you can always get it from the library. Please feel free to browse around this site for even more interesting details and updates. Glad you found me and thanks for commenting here!

